Site Pages Reindexed
Filed Under Life Happenings | 1 Comment
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Thanks to my good friend Lin Zhu in An Accident Discovers The Cause Of My Google Deindexing, I got rid of the hidden buy viagra and online gambling links on my website.
Apparently, Google Bot heard about it pretty quickly too and has since then reindexed most of the pages of my website.
This experience once again really reminded me the value of other people. Alone, I would pretty much never have been able to figure out that there were hidden links on my website. I would have to accidentally see it somehow while looking at the source code of my website, which is unlikely to happen. However, because I have people who care about me and the content I am creating, this “small” problem was solved almost without any hassle.
Lin didn’t really have to go out of his way at all when searching for me on Google and noticed the “buy viagra” link on my website. Yet, that act of telling me will probably increase the website’s traffic by 50-100%. Think of the value that creates for the thousands of visitors per month that visit the site. For such a simple act, the benefits are enormous!!
This is exactly the concept I was describing in My Partner’s Not Doing Enough Work!. Fresh new ideas tend to compound the existing benefits. A small discovery that takes only a few seconds (as in this case) can increase productivity (in this case traffic levels) by many many percent.
Just thinking about this is very motivating. Who knows how many unique ideas my articles will inspire?
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but how did your firend find this link, i would find your article more interesting and helpful is you were to explain how the situation was resolved, if this could help me with my problem than i wont hesitate to donate to you!