My Enemy
Filed Under Poetry | 3 Comments
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In the depths he creeps
Waiting, whispering
Every time I laugh, he laughs
Every time I cry, he cries
Every time I think, he thinks
Every time I sing, he sings
When I have an idea, he has two more
When I speak of friendship, he tells of honor
When I summon my courage, he sings of bravery
When I think of romance, he dreams of love
Outside the wall of dreams, he walks not
Save the occasional glimmer of a shadow
Through the pools of conciousness
He tells me to get up when I am sleeping,
He commands me to go on when I am tired,
He makes me change things that have always worked,
He forces me to take risks when I am comfortable
The reflection of light reveals him not
Yet appear he does
In my every look
In my every glance
He sings of battles to be won
And dreams of goals to be achieved
He looks for rules to be broken
And asks for things to be improved
Crushed him I have
With all my might
Yet appear he does
Come shutters of day
My strength fades
With each passing conflict
My wounds increase
Yet he stops not
This is my cry from the depths unknown
On the battlefield unseen
For soon he will come
And I will be no more
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first ,i wanna tell u ur writing helped a lot ,many things u talk about are firmilar,i am just back from egypt and i went there to get away from the madness that was my life.as a child all i really remember is how much work i did from an early age,12 i think,before that i remember some things but very little .i worked after school all the years i went, durin the summer holidays and anytime i had no school when my father was workin.so to me not much of a happy childhood.when i finished school i had no idea what to do with myslf ,the only thing i loved was playin soccer which just about made school bearable.my career guidance teacher was never there as he was a drunk , like my mother so no one ever told me i could do anything and any dreams i had of playin footbal as a pro was soon put out by friends,so there was only one place to go ,work as a joiner with my father,at 17 i was drinkin heavy and by 20 it was all i did except to play football for my local team,which was run by three pub owners.
i have so much more i could keep goin forever,loved and lost(twice to the same girl)never been anyone else serious,my father took all my money and investments as his buisness was and is in trouble and i felt i had to give it tohim,he trys to pay me back but can never efford it ,i bought a house ,worst thing i could have done ,as it keep me ancored here to pay the morgage.but i have always had money ,i came very close to death twice once from football and once when i got stabbed ,i am missing one finger and one fingure disfigured ,a broken toe that never heals, cruicate knee ligament snapped,and believe me or not many more .2005 i had a break down ,and i left for oz only to go back,2009 left for egypt and everything changed,i dont know much about writin so please excuse my many mistakes but if u think i have a story that people would like to read please tell me as i could never ask anyone i know about this ,i have so much more ,and u prob wondnt believe me but i always taught myself to be a positive person and never let anything get to me until my break down ,and to top it off ,i have very rarely ever taken advantage of anyone ,but to do all i can for anyone , reply or not ,this has been good , David M p.s i know some of this is like a rant but there is so mucht o try and tellyou ,i didnt know where to start
Pain; like most things in life it only makes us stronger. Love the poem I want you to know I made a copy for myself and shared it on facebook.
Don’t understand why I connected with it the way I did; but I understand the challemges in life and how we must overcome and keep on moving to the next level…
This is really amazing poem, I have to say that this poem is really heartfelt. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent with a lot of students reading your poems.