How To Find A Good Investment
Filed Under Money | 38 Comments
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If you’ve read my get money series, you’ll hopefully have some money at this point to invest. I’ve mentioned a couple of investment alternatives in the article grow your pile of money. Clearly, the best alternative is to invest in either your own business, or someone else’s business that you understand. So the question becomes, “How exactly do we go about finding a company with a good business plan?”
Well, we can use the guidelines from my coming up with business ideas article. Afterall, if it’s a good business idea, and someone else is already doing it, might as well just join them! Here are the things to look for:
Fills a Need – Make sure that the business actually does something that someone will always want. For example, a business dedicated to bringing you the best housing, or a business that supplies people with books, is a solid foundation. A business that tells you to send them a dollar and pass the letter on is not. Any sort of business which doesn’t fill an actual need like multi level marketing (MLM) schemes are bound to fail. The more the need being filled matters, the more solid your business foundation. For example, people are fine without MLM books; people aren’t fine without food.
Is Run Well – Does the CEO sound like he sits on his ass all day and drinks beer? Is management in it to make a quick buck for themselves, at YOUR expense? Find out about the people running the business. Make sure that they actually care about filling the need in part 1. Just remember, if the business isn’t filling the need, it’ll disappear.
Has a High Barrier of Entry – The business should be hard to replicate. If it ends up making a lot of money and it’s easy to duplicate, pretty soon, there will be thousands of businesses just like it! People aren’t dumb – if they’re making their 8% in bonds and they see you’re making 200% with your business, they’re gonna come. This is where the branding of the company, and quality of the product becomes of paramount importance (see how much money is integrity worth?). If people trust the company, and the product is working just fine for them, it’ll be awfully hard to get them to switch. This is an interesting situation which I like to call the gap concept.
Is Underpriced – Let’s face it. We want to make money, so we’re looking for something cheap. Now, that doesn’t mean we’re ripping the other people off. It’s cheap for a reason. For example, if it’s a private business, the owner may need money to expand, or if it’s public, people may perceive the company to be very risky or unsuccessful for whatever reason. In that case, by putting your money in, you’re actually giving it your vote of confidence and making it slightly more expensive.
Of course, the more promising you think the business is, the more you can pay for it. Just keep in mind though that there’s potential everywhere while good results are hard to come by.
While there are probably other things to look out for, these 4 are by far the most important. If you just follow these 4 tips, you should be well on your way to finding a good, safe business to invest in!
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[...] Wong presents How To Find A Good Investment posted at Personal Development for INTJs, saying, “Wondering what kind of business to invest [...]
Wonderful tips, GOOD points…But old fashion… I mean, who doesn’t want to get rich fast and easy in nowadays… But it’s hard to find an opportunity that satisfies all 4 criteria…
Think about NIKE, and FATHEAD, and all other products out there in the market..Say CoCa Cola…
They sell overpriced products, Yet successful…
There are other products…say bottled water…How ‘high’ is the barrier to entry? How much over priced they charge??? How conveniences to replace them by other alternatives (not talking about crisis here..) And Yet, they are making good profits…
Excuse me for being argumentative here…But I believe…Creativity, determination, adaptability and ability to act are the 4 most important qualities to a person… and an organization!
Well, water fills a need and their barrier to entry is their brand (see my other article on How Much Money Is Integrity Worth). “Overpriced” is a relative term I think. As long as people are willing to pay for it, it sounds fair to me.
Well, with those 4 traits you mentioned, you would end up with a lot of Hitlers. I agree that they are very important in the makeup of people and organizations, but you definiately need to act positively to fill some need in order to be successful in society (as in, you fill that need without pissing a lot of other people off).
Really? I doubt about it.. Have lots of living proof around me.
If you have some examples, I’d be happy to take a look.
My name is Robby and i am writing an english paper about why McDonals could possibly make a good investment. I would like to uses a few of your ideas (if you are okay with that) in explaining what makes a good investment how ever i have no way to sight your information.
Hi Robby,
If you just add a link to the website at the end of your paper, that’d be much appreciated
[...] Wong presents How To Find A Good Investment posted at INTJ Personal [...]
Hello, I am a Prior service veteran that has a little change and i am trying to invest into something worth investing in. I have been to all kinds of seminars invested in all kinds of get rich my way kits, and i still find myself in a “Am I THE ONLY ONE OUT HERE” situation. If there is anyone that can a help to me, feel free to contact me at showboat1976@yahoo.com or 786 278 9258 thank you
I’m kelum Gunathilaka from sri lanka.We have a company here and having a small business.Our company having four people including two from sri lanka and two from Norway.
We are looking for a investor for start a new business in Sri Lanka.We have good new projects.So If any one interest to join with us please contact to oddnc@yahoo.com
[...] How To Find A Good InvestmentWondering what kind of business to invest in? Here’s 4 important criteria for evaluating any potential business investment. [...]
[...] How To Find A Good InvestmentWondering what kind of business to invest in? Here’s 4 important criteria for evaluating any potential business investment. [...]
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Your Blog’s been very useful – great work! Like many here, I am one of those young professionals new to the world of investing (even earning for that matter
)and am just starting to learn a bit about it.
I had a specific question about insurance. I have heard from a couple of sources that a term cover is better than fixed period covers (eg. LIC Jeevan mitra) which have much higher premiums which give out some tax-free payout at the end of a maturity period (the above has of 21 yrs). Intuitively, it makes sense too. But my insurance agent is trying to sell hard the latter without reasons very clear to me, maybe they get better brokerage there?
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i want good business with low inevestment
[...] first tip to finding a solid investment is to search for a product of service that fills a need. Find a business that performs some type of [...]
i want good business with low investment
Am Joesph Newman from Chicago but am base now in Ghana in west Africa .i really need an investor to help in mining of natural resource.here is my phone number you can call me on 2330243540259.cant wait for call have a great day
Dear Sir/Madam
We have gold dust/bar and above of Rough Diamond, Stock in our yard in Accra for Safe and Buyer are allow to view and test for your confirmation.
Kindly Let us know if you are interested to buy any of our Product, so that we can proceed, also send me your details, if you are Broker, mandate, or if you can get buyer you are welcome we are ready to protect your interest and commission; we close deal within two (2) week we are the END seller.
QUANTITY: 200KG – 1000KG
We shall be grateful to furnish you with any further information that you meant required and we shall also consider it a privileged doing business with you to foster a cordial long-lasting business relationship between us.
We are waiting for your purchase interest and quick response.
Best regards,
Mr. Richard Frimpong
New Mont Gold Minners
7th Avenue Off Zulma Street
West Legon – Accra Ghana.
Tel: (00) 233 548136021.
Dear Sir/Madam
We have gold dust/bar and above of Rough Diamond, Stock in our yard in Accra for Safe and Buyer are allow to view and test for your confirmation.
Kindly Let us know if you are interested to buy any of our Product, so that we can proceed, also send me your details, if you are Broker, mandate, or if you can get buyer you are welcome we are ready to protect your interest and commission; we close deal within two (2) week we are the END seller.
QUANTITY: 200KG – 1000KG
We shall be grateful to furnish you with any further information that you meant required and we shall also consider it a privileged doing business with you to foster a cordial long-lasting business relationship between us.
We are waiting for your purchase interest and quick response.
Best regards,
Mr. Richard Frimpong
New Mont Gold Minners
7th Avenue Off Zulma Street
West Legon – Accra Ghana.
Tel: (00) 233 548136021.
E-mail us on; goldmakers2008@yahoo.com,
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FROM THE PHILIPPINES, you can email me Joey Lee at supreme.quantum007@yahoo.com. For me the best investment is one that will give you the highest returns when you need the most.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a graduate who live in Sri Lanka. and i wish to draw your kind attention on the matters stated hereunder;
Eventhough i have studied and obtained the required competency levels in my studies. i have been struggling to embark on my own business for want of initial capital.
Therefore i do hereby seek your kind assistance to embark on few of the following business opportunities currently available in sri lanka.
1. The government of Sri Lanka has decided to increase tax rates on the vehicles imported – there is an opportunity of making huge amount of profit by investing in buying and selling of vehicles.
2. Gold prices are also on the rise – this is another profitable business to invest in gold.
3. With the dawn of the peace the market value of lands in Sri Lanka has increased drastically.
4. And the tourist arrivals have increased than ever before – This will open up good business opportunities for the hotel industry.
5. Stock market can also be construed as a good investment method since it has already shown a growth prospect in the near future.
6. With the expansion of the economic activities many people are used to have junk food as their main meals as a result people are prone to various deceases – so it has been a major booster to the hospital industry in Sri Lanka.
7. When it comes to the FMCG sector it has been improved drastically.
8. Investing in a Plantation sector has also shown a significant growth prospect in analyzing past performance of the industry.
9. If you are risk averser then you have investment opportunities such as Government bonds, Treasury bill ……………..ext.
10. Construction industry is aslo in full swim.
Having been considered the investment opportunities mentioned above I wish if you could assist me financially to embark on a business venture which would definitely maximize your wealth and you will get a good return on investment as well.
If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to contact me………………………..,
I thank you in advance for the kind assistance and the condiration of my request.
Wishing you the success in all your future endevourences.
Best regards
+94 0783 921 945
Sri Lanka
Cargo Handling, Clearing & Forwarding-Mozambique Ports
Good day
Rearguard logistics kindly present itself to your goodselves.We specialize
in freight forwarding and below services for Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe,
Zambia, Swaziland and Eastern DRC bound shipments.
Below are the services we offer:
Sea,Inland & AirFreight agencing
Shipping agency
Import & Export
Customs Clearance
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We do have offices at Maputo,Beira & Nacala Port.
Looking forward to do business with you.
Collen sithole
Physical Address:
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Avenida do Trabalho nº 54
Flat 4, 1º Andar
Maputo, Mozambique
Office Landline: +258 21 404967
E-mail: rearguardlog@tdm.co.mz
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Proxen Building
Rua: Luis Lnacio Road no 177 1st floor.
Beira, Mozambique
E-mail: salesrglog@teledata.mz
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Bairro Mocone,
Casa 18
Rua: Escola Secundaria de Nacala
Porto de Nacala
Nampula, Mozambique
Office landline – +258 26 526619
E-mail: nalrglog@tdm.co.mz
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Xavi Gerad Jude Am. Aiicco Sigorta plc temsilcisi. Biz 3% geri ödeme oraninda kredi sunuyoruz.Bu(CEO)e-posta adresine bizimle irtibata ilgilenen varsa:xavigeradloanfirm@yahoo.com
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Yil 5000 8000.000.00 Euro kadar kredi yok.
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For many beginners, the method of finding buying into ideas can be bewildering and swamping, particularly in the supply market. Everyone likes to choose supplies of thriving businesses, or companies that will become thriving. But there are just so numerous choices and a allotment of information out there. numerous investors don’t know where to start looking, or how to sort through the vast allowance of businesses recorded on the swaps. There are furthermore many kinds of investments other than stocks as well.
Cargo Handling, Clearing & Forwarding-Mozambique Ports.
Good day
Rearguard logistics kindly present itself to your good selves. We specialize
in freight forwarding and below services for Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe,
Zambia, Swaziland and Eastern DRC bound shipments.
Below are the services we offer:
Sea ,Inland & AirFreight agencing
Shipping agency
Import & Export
Customs Clearance
Stuffing & Destuffing
We do have offices at Maputo, Beira & Nacala Port.
Looking forward to do business with you.
Kind Regards
Joel Sithole
Business Development Manager
Tel: 00258 843456302
Skype:Joel _Sithole
Physical Address:
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Av Vladimir Lenin.
Entrada 1746.
2nd andar. Malhangalene.
Maputo, Mozambique
Office Landline: +258 21 404967
E-mail: rearguardlog@tdm.co.mz
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Proxen Building
Rua: Luis Lnacio Road no 177 1st floor.
Beira, Mozambique
E-mail: salesrglog@teledata.mz
Rearguard Logistics Ltd
Bairro : Mocone,
Casa No: 18
Rua: Escola Primaria Completa de Mocone
Nacala Port
Nampula, Mozambique
Office landline – +258 26 526619
E-mail: nalrglog@tdm.co.mz