How To Stop Worrying
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“What happens if we get sued?”
“What happens if I have a terminal illness?”
“What would people think of me if I do this?”
If these are constantly the thoughts running through your head, then you probably feel worried and stressed out!
Why Worrying Is Bad
When you worry, you are essentially directing all your thoughts towards a possibility that you dislike. You imagine yourself standing in a court room and getting sued. You imagine yourself lying on a bed with a terminal illness. You imagine people disliking you for doing something you want to do.
When you do this, you start to form memories of all of these situations as discussed in the passage of time. If you do this long enough, then most of your memories will be of these situations. After all, those are the most recent and most thought about things, so it’s only natural that your brain holds on to them.
So what happens the next time you encounter a grey situation (which most situations are)? Your brain will fetch the most related scenarios from its vast store of memories. Since most of your memories are of these unpleasant situations though, you’ll probably just pick one of these. For example, say you went to the doctor and some tests came out inconclusive. If you had been thinking for weeks at a time about all the possible diseases out there, then the most natural reaction is for your brain to retrieve all these possible diseases and wonder if it might be one of them!
How would you feel then? If your brain keeps going over images of these bad things, wouldn’t you feel sad and worried and stressed?
Not only that, but this is a spiral process. Because you are worried and stressed, your brain will probably conjure up even more images of these things as you think about them more! Then, as you look over your life, the positive memories are all dim and vague, and life suddenly seems like it’s full of worry and stress!
When Worrying Is Bad
If worrying is so bad though, then why do we do it? Well, it’s not all bad. Worrying does have a purpose! It alerts you to possible negative situations that might happen so that you can adequately prepare for them.
The problem occurs when it’s a situation you can’t do anything about, when it’s trivial, or when you already have an adequate solution but continue to dwell on it.
When you can’t do anything about it – In this case, the worrying serves no purpose. For example, if you’re worrying about how the sun will go supernova in a few billion years and all the things you do now might not matter, that’s very pointless. The time spent worrying could have been put to living your life! It’s going to happen and you can’t change it, so focus your energy on something you can actually control!
When it’s trivial – Maybe you’re worried about losing a quarter, so you go around thinking up ways to prevent quarters from falling out of your pocket. Maybe you’ll constantly check your pockets to make sure the quarter is there. Maybe you’ll make sure all your pants don’t have holes. Sure, you have increased the probability that your quarter won’t be lost, but all that time and emotional energy could have been better spent elsewhere. You might lose the quarter, but do you really want to live life worrying about that? The same thing goes for dying actually – that’s another thing that might happen at any time, but don’t you have better things to do while you’re alive than worrying about the end?
When you already have a solution – This is situation that is a combination of the two above. When you already have an adequate solution, then the problem has already been solved and there’s really nothing more you can do. Therefore, further time spent worrying, like the first scenario, serves no purpose.
However, there is a possibility that you might come up with an even better solution. In that scenario, it’s more like the second case. The other solution might be better, but it’s probably only marginally better if the current solution is already adequate! Is that small marginal improvement really worth your time? Don’t you have other more important things to do?
How To Stop Worrying
Since worrying is just for the purpose of coming up with solutions for potentially unpleasant situations, the way to get over it as fast as possible is to focus on just that! Instead of turning the situation over and over in your head, only think about it long enough to identify the issue and come up with some possible resolutions. Once you have one, just pick one that works and focus your attention on something else.
If you can’t seem to think of something else to focus your attention on, then you should find out what you want. After all, there’s always something you can do if you have some long term goals. Once you decide on your resolution and your focus shifts, the negative feelings associated with the worrying should go away, leaving your mind free to tackle other problems.
It is worth emphasizing that you should make a habit to be decisive. If you continuously flip flop between your resolutions, then you essentially haven’t picked, and you’ll have to continue worrying! If indecisiveness becomes a habit, then issues never really get resolved, and your days will be filled with seemingly countless problems!
So to stop worrying:
1) Identify the issue you are worrying about
2) Think of resolutions quickly
3) Pick one and stick to it.
Hopefully, these three steps will lead you on your way to a happy and stress free life!
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What a wonderful post! I got here via Living Stress Free Naturally, hosted by Michelle. I will be linking back to this article, from my blog, in the near future, I want to share your wisdom with my readers. As for me, I am a BIG worry-wart (LOL) actually it’s true, I need all the help I can get to stop this destructive process. Thanks for an very helpful post.
I worry,way too much,it really sucks,but hey I live in a messed up town, at least me and my Buddy are real.
A very interesting post Mr. Wong. I accidently found this site today and am intrigued by your ability to offer advice in a way that is not arrogant or detatched, but like that of a close friend or family member.
Keep up the good work!
Hi Andy,
I really appreciate the support and hope that I’ll produce more material that’ll help
It is very interesting and important post. it helps a lot to do day to day works well. You have introduced a new way of stop worrying. Great work!
After an open-heart operation, a big worry started haunting my friend’s thoughts all the time. He thinks about death, and he’s scarred of all of its unknown. This is reflected on his physical functions such as: not being able to be alone at any time of the day but always needs a company of his dearest ones.
So, please help him, and tell us how can he stop worrying, knowing that he’s also under medical treatment by psychiatrists.
thank you for this website. starting today, i’m trying some of these techniques. my worrying is to an extreme that i’m making myself sick at times over it and i’m close to losing people that i love very much. I’ve already tried one idea today, and it’s helping a great deal. Thank you!
Thanks for the advise…this might work for me
this web site is good enough but still i can’t concentrate in anything. i dont know what is my actual problem can u plz help me, solve my prob…
very nice post! u saved me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant stop worrying at all,i am nearly dead from worrying,your post is so good ,but i dont think it will save me, but god bless you for trying.
i agree that a positive action to fix the problem sets the mind at ease, but i find that if i cant fix it at all, i worry all the more. i feel so powerless. got any advice for that?
Excellent post.I found few good ways to stop worry too:
1. Write on peace of paper all the things or problems you are worrying about
2. Now write on anther peace of paper all the problems you can control
3. Stop worrying about the problems you can’t control, simply because you can’t control them
Rather worry about the problems you can control. Like this you will solve them thus have no problems to worry about.
i been worrying about a boy on this game bubbo herny123star told cutebubby the brainwash viedo he looked at it he couldnt stop laughing so i prayed to god to heal him the next day he said it wore off so the best thing to do is calm down and pray god will be with you and now i see it and this site helped me alot too while i was waiting for god to do his magic
There aren’t words to say how thankful I am. priest did it, he saved my couple and brought my husband back to me. Now he is as he used to be in the first years of our marriage: PERFECT! He no longer come to visit other ladies and stopped watching porn on his computer. All the effects I asked priest have been granted by his spell. It’s a true miracle. A million times THANKs to priestoflovespell@yahoo.com
I love prophetharry@ymail.com his love spell worked very well for me Me and my man are happly back together and its been very very good and he even got a Ring from him, Blocking my enemies has worked and I hope it continues to
I must admit, this caster is real. i contacted him when my boyfriend departed from me. but since my boyfriend came back I definately believe prophetharry@ymail.com is real
Honestly, prophetharry@ymail.com is really polished and professional. Its amazing, i like him and the work that he do. he has been doing great things to make lovers live happier. I truly believe in him and can’t stop
I am from German and have worked with wiseindividualspell@gmail.com several times. I want to tell everybody that he is a true, genuine spiritual person, his powerful spells always work. I recommend him services to everyone that is in search for best spells.
Awesome guide!
Awesome Guide, this helped very much
I had been all over the internet trying to find someone who could help me out with my situation, I loved my my husband so much but he never loved me rather he goes out with other females then one day I found prophetharry@ymail.com in the internet where he had helped many women who had the same issue with me, when i contacted him he said he will help me and just as he said. my husband concetred fully on me and he stopped all his bad habit I was astounded because so many say they are the best but can’t back it. but prof really surprised me till today, his love spell not only brought my husband back but also the spell made my husband to change to a good man
I was having a boyfriend. We were known for long time only through phone. Suddenly through some event we met together and we promised we will be together for ever. Both of us are married and not satisfied with the present spouse. But because of some misunderstanding I quarreled with him and humiliated him in front of his friends. After that I realized my mistake and apologized with him like anything. He told me he will try to forget everything. After that we met once and he promised me everything happened because of misunderstanding and now we will together for ever.But after that we never met each other. when we plan to meet some hindrance will happen then it will stop. Also no proper communication. But for me he is my everything. He is the only one who gave such a good satisfaction in my life. I wanted him. I wanted him to meet me, to have sex with me, love me everything. He is very good.and l know He was made for me. But some hindrance keep keeping us apart. i tried to get close to him but nothing was working out until one day i heard about a spell caster called prophetharry@ymail.com, i decide to try his love spell and definitely it worked out perfectly for me, it never took time for the spell to start working, after some few days this guy i am loving came to me and wanted us to start dating, we are in love now, our lover is so tight that nothing can brings us apart, this love spell is wonderful
I was hurt and depressed when my lover of five years left me for another woman. One friend suggested the idea to contact a spell caster, which I would have never thought of myself. I contacted a few of them but prophetharry@ymail.com was the person I felt good with. he was understanding, replied all my emails promptly and patiently. Then I decided to place an order for his spell even if at that time I was still a bit skeptical about his capacity to bring my man back with me. Only 1 week after the spell was actually cast, he returned to me and since then, it seems that there is no more mistrust and no more lies between us. For that reason, I am gladly leaving a testimonial on this page, which I believe will help persons to chose prophetharry for their case.
I found out I was pregnant just after two week of breakup with my bf. Immediately I knew I had to have an abortion. There was no way I was ready to have a child, by my self without my boyfriend, and I wasn’t strong enough to go through an abortion because i love my bf more than words can say. I had to tell him about it but he rfuse to accept and say why must it be after the breakup. I know I want my lover back but how? Because i cant go through this pregnancy alone. From the moment I seek for spiritual help online then I found a woman who do spell her Priestess Ifaa, People were talking good about her on reuniting issues, I contacted her with her email priestessifaa@yahoo.com, I never really have an idea how this things work but she sounds so real and straight forward. She gave me hope that in 3days i would have my bf back to carter for me and love me even more than i ever expected., I gave her what she requested for and Just as she said, 3days later my bf come back asking for forgiveness and pleading that if i dont accept him he would commit suicide. Priestess Ifaa is more than a spell caster. The moment when a woman needs to do what’s best for herself even if it’s hard for her, and I’m proud to say I did that we are married now with our child.