Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 5: Making Money Through Branding
Filed Under Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 21 Comments
On my way home from a going away dinner for my supervisor today, I had a chat with my coworker as he drove me home in his car. Apparantly, they had some sales discussions with EBay about the product that we’ve developed at BEA (Aqualogic) a few months back. The negotations were intense, with the [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 4: Generosity In Business
Filed Under Entrepreneurship, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
Business is probably one of the places where generosity’s returns can be seen monetarily pretty quickly, as multiple deals occur over the course of a year. People who like how you do business come back to you time and time again, eagerly and happily, yielding direct gains for your company. Here’s an example we recently [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 3: Generosity At Work
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
While the previous examples have all illustrated generosity by taking less than you normally do, this goal can also be accomplished by giving more than you are supposed to! The general point is that if the other person feels like he is getting a good deal, he’ll come back to you over and over again [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 2: A Deal And A License Issue
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 14 Comments
Here’s a real world case study regarding a deal WM Media was in last year, in which generosity would have been the better road to go. I’d written about it previously in Seven Mistakes In One Day. The Problem In the deal, we’d acquired a website but without the license, which we’d understood would come [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 1: A Negotiations Class Exercise
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Health, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
As I racked my brain, it occurs to me that this isn’t the first time the taking less than your fair share concept has been encountered! It had made its first appearance in a negotiations class that I took in college. The Negotiations Situation Imagine there are three research companies A, B, and C. Because [...]
Why Being Generous Makes You Wealthy
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 14 Comments
Today, as I talked with my girlfriend, we came up with one of the most important concepts in my life that will probably make me happier and richer than anything else I’ve ever learned. I hope this idea is as inspiring to you as it was to me! A Situation To Test Your Generosity Imagine [...]
How To Solve Problems By Changing Your Frame Or Perspective
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 12 Comments
Are you faced with a seemingly impossible situation or dilemma? Do all the solutions seem inadequate to you? Here’s something to think about! An Interesting Problem Pretend for a moment that you are a kid playing in a sandbox with some other kids. You are all running around, laughing, having fun! Yay! They’re all a [...]
Why The Desire To Exist Is the Basis Of All Meaning
Filed Under Motivation & Purpose, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
The Meaning Of Life In a previous post the meaning of life, we’d examined a logical argument for why the meaning of life is existence. However, as I wrote the article how to solve your problems by changing your frame or perspective, it struck me that the desire to exist is actually the basis of [...]
How To Get Whatever You Want From Anyone
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 321 Comments
Getting What You Want In How To Win Someone’s Heart, we looked at ways to secure the loyalty and trust of our fellow human beings. In this article, we’ll see how this concept applies more generally and from a more logical perspective. Okay! We’ll get right down to it. Let’s say you’re walking around and [...]
What Commiting To Something Means And Why You Should Do It
Filed Under Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 13 Comments
In The Meaning Of Life and various articles on how to win someone’s heart, how to find a wife / husband, there is a central theme of thought creating reality. How does this actually happen though? Why is it more effective to think about the things you want? We’ll answer this question through the concept [...]
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