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To come up with good business ideas, we should first figure out what exactly a business is. From the article how the economy works, we can see that a business is just an extension of two people benefiting from each other by trading. Instead of just two people, it can be any number of people [...]

In the course of human history, honor, courage, and responsibility have always been regarded as some of the greatest virtues humans beings aspire to have. Why exactly is integrity so worthwhile to have? Let’s say you are looking for a job. You received an offer from one of your potential employers with an offer you [...]

The short answer is, you don’t! At least not in the conventional sense of the word. Let’s start from the beginning. At some point, there is this environment we seem to exist in. Then, there’s a lot of people, each deciding to do their own thing. Then, while you’re doing your thing, you realize that [...]

Many people are afraid of asking for a raise for some reason, which is extremely strange to me. It seems that people are in general afraid of being fired, or somehow making things bad in the workplace. However, that is extremely unlikely. Let’s take a look from the employer’s perspective. When you do a job, [...]

Many people like to think that in order to make money, you need to have some sort of job, where you work for a boss and then get paid. While this is true to some extent, this is very small and limited view of how money works. First, it is beneficial to understand how exactly [...]

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