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The Road To Becoming A Manager Many managers start out in a technical position, especially in engineering fields. In the beginning, he starts out with no knowledge of what to do and depends on other people for advice, help, and motivation. Then, as he gathers experience, he begins to carry his share of the load. [...]

Here are some common situations I’ve encountered where you can really tell if you truly like your fellow human beings and believe that helping them is in your best interest. 1) You are working with a partner on a project. All day and night, you slaved away at it, working really hard. Meanwhile, your partner [...]

In The Key To A Healthy Relationship, we talked about how we should just focus on the areas that started the relationship in the first place. Those are the areas which form the basis of the areas of agreement between the two people in question. For example, if you met in a bar, then your [...]

A Relationship Story Imagine a room with just two people in it. The room is completely empty, except for the two people, a tree, and a mouse in the corner. The two people, let’s call them Jack and Bob, are happily talking. Jack is talking to Bob about how big and tall the tree is, [...]

Imagine two people walking up to you. One person has his arms open, ready for a hug. He greets you enthusiastically, with a huge smile on his face, “HEEYYY! OMG – JERRY!!!!” The other person walks by, looking down at the floor, with hands in pocket. When you greet him by name, he mumbles, “Hi” [...]

Starting a new job can be a scary experience. How will your coworkers view you? Will you know what to do when the time comes? Here’s a few tips to help you out, especially if you in a managerial and/or people type of job. This is inspired by my recent experience Seven Mistakes In One [...]

A lot of times, you find that you are starting a project, or working on a business, and start to think, “Hmmm, my partner’s not doing as much work as I am”. That is one of the most destructive thoughts you can have in any kind of group or business relationship. However, you don’t have [...]

Are you afraid to launch your own business? Are you afraid of losing what money you have? Let me ask you this: Why? Sure, maybe you’ll lose all of your money and be completely broke. Then again, you were completely “broke” when you were born too. Plus back then, you didn’t have any experience, or [...]

This is an idea that is prevelant in both business and poker. In general, it describes the barrier of entry. It says the person who is in second has to do more than the first person to get the same amount done. Or in other words, the first person has an extra advantage in being [...]

One day back in high school on the bus ride home, I remember listening to a friend talk about how easy it would be to make money if we just built our own computers and sold them. Since we’ve both built computers of our own, it seemed like a good idea to me. As I [...]

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