An Accident Waiting To Happen
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After I returned from my opera practice, I had an urge for some beef jerky. It’s one of my favorite snacks as it’s low in calories and high in protein. Plus, it just tastes good!
I put on my shoes, and walked towards the small shopping area two blocks away. I find it particuarly nice to walk at night. It’s very quiet, and if you look up, you can see the universe in all of its glory. It always gives me a sense of how small I am in the universe, but fills me with a sense of wonder at how much there is to discover. It’s like knowing you are at the beginning of a great journey, with tons of exciting things to do.
As I walked around staring at the sky, I noticed that the intersection I have to cross to get to my beef jerky has flashing red lights … on all 4 sides. Now, this isn’t some tiny four way stop sign kind of corner. It’s 3 lanes in every direction, – an intersection of six lanes each. Furthermore, every single one of these of lanes is filled with cars.
I stood there for a while, looking at this amazing sight. What the heck were these people thinking?! The people at each of the corners can’t even see each other. If four cars ended up stopping at each of the four corners, it’s just pure luck for them to figure out who goes first. Add all the cars who are turning, and it’s just a recipe for a car crash some time very soon.
Surprisingly, it was quite orderly for a while. Ten or Twenty cars from each direction would go, and as more cars approached, they stopped, and ten or twenty cars from the other direction would go. Of course, from time to time, there’ll be the guy gassing it up to try to make it across before the guys in the perpendicular direction had a chance. At some point, two guys are going to do that, and they’ll crash.
As you can imagine, crossing the street was not a particularly pleasant experience, as there were cars in all twelve lanes. I did manage to get my beef jerky and get home in one piece.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear about a car crash tomorrow though.
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