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As I returned home from work, I got another nice note from my power company. Oh good, they’ve turned my power back on!
*Click* The light switch still doesn’t work. Oh, there is a fine print: My circuit breaker has been left off to protect me from electric surges. I looked up, a bit confused. When was the last time anything exploded from turning the power back on? My memory does not contain a single instance where this has ever happened. It makes me suspect that it’s one of those things that happens really rarely but they need to say do it mostly for legal protection purposes.
After a bit of stumbling, I made it to the side of my building. It contained 3 panels, all of which I opened. One contained the power meters, another contained two tin boxes stating that circuits are inside, and a last panel with all sorts of weird wires behind it. “Hmmm, it must be inside the two tin boxes”, I thought, seeing the label on them. The only problem is, both boxes have screws and are quite difficult to open.
Having watched Monk a bit too much recently, it seems like one of those situations that is weird. Why would a circuit breaker be inside a practically sealed box? Besides, there are cobwebs all over the handles of both boxes. How could the power guys who turned it off two days ago have removed that panel without disturbing them? There’s no way the circuit breakers were in that panel.
That leaves the other two panels. Well, the one with all the weird looking wires in it can’t possibly house the circuit breakers, so it must be in the panel with the power meters. The only problem is, I don’t see it there! After about 5 minutes, I still only see the meters with no circuit breakers. I returned to my apartment to consult the notice the electric guy had left me.
Let’s see, there are four boxes on the right hand side, with 2 circled. One had the image of a rectangle, representing my apartment. The words 104 and an X were placed on that picture, indicating my room number and the location of the circuit breaker. The other picture circled was that of the circuit breaker itself with a finger turning the switch back on. Looking at the ease with which that picture was drawn and the lack of other instructions, it seems like the guy thought the circuit breaker is located in a pretty obvious place.
I must have missed something. I returned to the side of the building, looking for any panels I may not have opened.
Ah ha! There’s a covered panel right above the power meters with no markings on it. Lifting it, I could see the two circuit breakers for the two power meters below. That sure seems like a perfectly convenient and logical location for them to be. Now that I have found it, it’s almost weird that I didn’t see it before. Anyway, mystery solved!
A little flip and here I am, ready to write some articles!
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