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On Friday, I’d added a donation box since my feed and email subscribers have so far been unmonetized. Granted, there aren’t actually that many (about 100 or so), I figured if I was going to do it eventually, might as well just do it now! With the current traffic statistics, one would expect at most one or two donations a month of maybe $5-20 each.

As I woke up in the morning, I’d practically forgotten about the box I’d put up. It had been up during the middle of the night – so it was unlikely that anyone would even have noticed!

However, as I checked my email, the first message that I saw was a paypal donation for $111! This took me completely by surprise, as both the timing and amount was quite unexpected. A rush of feeling greeted me as I saw the identity of the donor – who else but my loving girlfriend?

As feelings of warmth and happiness passed through my body, I caught another email from her through the corner of my eye. Eagerly, I opened it. In it contained what is probably the most romantic gift I’ve ever received.

It was an emailing describing how much she loved me and appreciated my work.

As I read the email, I felt so warm, loved, supported, and happy!

The degree to which it filled my heart with meaning was quite surprising to me. I’d viewed the donation box as just an additional form of monetization, but with this gift, this blog has taken on a new level of meaning for me. I felt truly appreciated and very responsible and motivated to produce more content! If I don’t write some articles on a regular basis, I would feel a bit guilty for letting my readers down! Try getting that kind of motivation from adsense earnings!

This makes me think about working together, motivating employees, and getting along with people in general. If this simple gesture of appreciation and love can bring me so much motivation, imagine what it can accomplish when applied on a larger scale!
When two people feel like this, they are in complete harmony. There are no fears or doubts, and each is motivated to do his or her best! Everybody just works as hard as they can towards a common goal, and things get accomplished at an astonishing rate.

Such a simple letter.

Such an overwhelming effect.

Have you expressed your appreciation to your loved ones today?

If you feel that this post has been of value to you, please leave a donation to show your appreciation and allow me to bring this value to other people as well!

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