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As I wrote these last two posts How To Deal With Worrying and Some Light Rail Delays Triggers Thoughts About Perception, it occurs to me just how simple it was to write the entries and get the words flowing. In fact, each of these entries had only taken about 30-40 minutes, and I felt like they covered exactly what I wanted to say!

That has been the way it is for most my posts on the website. However, as I write some of my entries on my way to work and on my way back from work, I sometimes have to stop in the middle of an entry when the train arrives at its destination. When I pick it up later though, I don’t always remember what I was thinking at the time!

For example, I’d started the How To Deal With Worrying entry on my way to work today (incidentally, it was a holiday and there was no one there!) and started a new sentence with the word “Maybe” before I got off. Unfortunately, as I tried to pick up where I left off when I got back home, I just couldn’t quite figure out what the rest of that sentence is supposed to be! The irony is, I remember thinking about picking it up later and distinctly remember that this would be an obvious trigger word for me to continue that thought later! Whoops, guess that didn’t quite work out!

Therefore, there seems to be a huge difference between writing half an article, stopping, or just writing the whole article at one time. So many new ideas come to my head when I am writing, but it seems to take a while to get into it. When I stop and pick up, it takes another 10-20 minutes before I can get back to the same state I was in before I stopped. On a 40 minute train ride, that context switching time is quite expensive! Those two half articles don’t quite add up to just one article while sitting still!

In fact, this is a general issue for everyone I think. Especially for complicated work like programming, context switching can be a very important issue. If it takes you 5 minutes to get into a fixing a bug or writing a program, being interrupted a few times an hour can have serious consequences on your productivity. Not to mention that when you realize you haven’t been getting much done, your morale might suffer and you’ll get even less work done!

Just sitting here writing these three articles, my brain has automatically come up with three more ideas! I could probably just sit here and write 10 article, and I wouldn’t feel drained at all! When the creative juice gets flowing, I guess it really flows!

What I have been doing recently is jotting down unique ideas and experiences that come up and then writing about them later. However, I have found that there is some difficulty when I actually get to it. I remember the general idea and the experience that triggered it, but sometimes, an effort is required to recall that experience in its entirety. Oftentimes, that experience is not fully recalled and some important details slip through. Whereas right now, the words just seem to be flowing. I guess when you actually have something to say, it’s not all that hard to say it!

This makes me think that I should perhaps change the times during which I write my articles. Perhaps, I’ll dedicate some blocks of time every few days to writing a couple articles instead of trying to squeeze it into the 40 minutes on demand. Or maybe I’ll just start writing when I think of something instead of just jotting the idea down.

After all, it’s so much easier to write in the second situation and the quality of the entries are of much better!

We’ll see… maybe a lot more articles coming on in the near future! :-)

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3 Responses to “A Change In Article Writing Plans”

  1. Instant Cash Supreme on December 30th, 2011 12:13 am

    I really impressed after reading this post. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. speed up my pc on May 3rd, 2012 2:35 am

    Excellent post. Keep it up!

  3. Mary on March 7th, 2013 8:00 am

    This is indeed a helpful post! I’ve been a writer for quite so long now and I know that I need to have a varying writing style. I know I need to learn more. And your post just helped me