With my recent layoff from BEA Systems, I now have a lot of options to choose from! What should I do? What do I want to do? As I’d sent out a batch of resumes to three recruiters who had called me, I immediately got a first and second round interview with the company Salesforce.com, [...]
Recently, BEA Systems (the company that I work for) was acquired by Oracle. Everyone was all smiles as the stock price went up, giving us a nice gain. Of course, that was until we found out that there was a mass reduction of the number of positions available. Unfortunately (or fortunately as I’m finding out), [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 5: Making Money Through Branding
Filed Under Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 21 Comments
On my way home from a going away dinner for my supervisor today, I had a chat with my coworker as he drove me home in his car. Apparantly, they had some sales discussions with EBay about the product that we’ve developed at BEA (Aqualogic) a few months back. The negotations were intense, with the [...]
Why Generosity Creates Wealth Day 4: Generosity In Business
Filed Under Entrepreneurship, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
Business is probably one of the places where generosity’s returns can be seen monetarily pretty quickly, as multiple deals occur over the course of a year. People who like how you do business come back to you time and time again, eagerly and happily, yielding direct gains for your company. Here’s an example we recently [...]
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