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Sometime around July last year, not long after WM Media was started, I started performing a little experiment. “How long would it take to get a website up to a pagerank of 5?” I wondered. To answer that question, I created a rare and famous stamps website. Growing up, I had some interest in collecting [...]

A few days ago, while I visited some of my friends in Stanford, I attended a lecture by Francis Collins on how science and faith aren’t necessarily separate. Visiting with my Christian friends generally gives me a broader perspective, since these are people living the same life as me but from a philosophically different viewpoint. [...]

Person A: “I did all this stuff but you don’t even recognize it!” Person B: “I do recognize it but you don’t see what I’m talking about!” Person A: “I went to get your clothes washed; I’ve got the house cleaned…” Person B: “I’m trying to say that the problem isn’t what you’re doing at [...]

“There’s a huge construction somewhere and that’s why I’m circling all the way around and then back up the street”, the Vegas cab driver told me as doubled back to the Marriott. He’d taken the highway all the way down to the other end of the strip, a couple of miles past the Marriot, and [...]

In The Meaning Of Life and various articles on how to win someone’s heart, how to find a wife / husband, there is a central theme of thought creating reality. How does this actually happen though? Why is it more effective to think about the things you want? We’ll answer this question through the concept [...]

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