Tricks For Avoiding Duplicate Content Penalties Having quite a bit of experience handling duplicate content problems in A Little Google DeIndexing Puts Things In Perspective, An Accident Discovers The Cause Of My Google Deindexing, Site Pages Reindexed, and from running WM Media, here’s a few tips for bloggers (and other website owners) to avoid Google [...]
A Donation Brings A Lot Of Motivation
Filed Under Life Happenings | 1 Comment
On Friday, I’d added a donation box since my feed and email subscribers have so far been unmonetized. Granted, there aren’t actually that many (about 100 or so), I figured if I was going to do it eventually, might as well just do it now! With the current traffic statistics, one would expect at most [...]
Why The Desire To Exist Is the Basis Of All Meaning
Filed Under Motivation & Purpose, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
The Meaning Of Life In a previous post the meaning of life, we’d examined a logical argument for why the meaning of life is existence. However, as I wrote the article how to solve your problems by changing your frame or perspective, it struck me that the desire to exist is actually the basis of [...]
How To Expand Your Business Through Quality And Word Of Mouth
Filed Under Entrepreneurship | 3 Comments
We’d talked a bit about how word of mouth can be very effective in how to find a promising date by marketing yourself correctly. In this article, we’ll examine how this concept applies to a successful business! The Birth Of A Business If we’re going to talk about businesses, what better place to start than [...]
A Change In Article Writing Plans
Filed Under Life Happenings | 3 Comments
As I wrote these last two posts How To Deal With Worrying and Some Light Rail Delays Triggers Thoughts About Perception, it occurs to me just how simple it was to write the entries and get the words flowing. In fact, each of these entries had only taken about 30-40 minutes, and I felt like [...]
In my previous article The Strange Accuracy Of Bus And Train Schedules, I’d mentioned how trains seem to always be on time in my area. However, today, as I sat on the train, a familiar announcement came over the loudspeaker, “Sorry, the train is running ahead of schedule, so we’re going to wait at this [...]
How To Stop Worrying
Filed Under Health | 25 Comments
“What happens if we get sued?” “What happens if I have a terminal illness?” “What would people think of me if I do this?” If these are constantly the thoughts running through your head, then you probably feel worried and stressed out! Why Worrying Is Bad When you worry, you are essentially directing all your [...]
How To Get Whatever You Want From Anyone
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 321 Comments
Getting What You Want In How To Win Someone’s Heart, we looked at ways to secure the loyalty and trust of our fellow human beings. In this article, we’ll see how this concept applies more generally and from a more logical perspective. Okay! We’ll get right down to it. Let’s say you’re walking around and [...]
A few days ago, I’d written about WM Media‘s deal in Why You Should Be Careful When Your Business Is Going Well and lamented us for not doing the due diligence that was required on the website. Today, however, we are learning an entirely different lesson from that same experience! The thing to analyze in [...]
Why You Should Be Careful When Your Business Is Going Well
Filed Under Entrepreneurship, The Bigger Perspective | 6 Comments
A Business Lesson Recently, WM Media purchased a website with advice on savings payday loans. Normally, we wouldn’t purchase this type of website because it’s a niche that is full of spam. However, we made an exception in this case because we wanted to test its risk vs. returns. The sellers are a web development [...]
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