“Man!” I thought as I sat around feeling rejected. “I only get a small amount of time to make an impression and get judged so quickly! And those few moments don’t even represent 1/10000000th of who I am! If she only knew who I truly was underneath, she would be extremely impressed!” That’s a thought [...]
When Compounding Returns Isn’t That Important
Filed Under Money | 4 Comments
$1000 returning 15%/year compounded over 50 years is $1,083,000. $1000 returning 8%/year compounded over 50 years is $47,000. That’s a difference of 20 fold, and is one of the key reasons why you should start saving money today. As you read this, you’re probably thinking, “Wow! I’d better learn to invest in stocks better!” That [...]
Why Sex Is The Most Important Emotion
Filed Under Conciousness, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 543 Comments
In Think And Grow Rich, Napolean Hill had listed sex as the most important out of all the human emotions. This had always confused me a lot, as love would seem like a more important one. Love allows you to want to give to others and make them happier. Love allows you to become selfless [...]
Communities, Forums, And Relationships
Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off
In the past year, WM Media has had the interesting experience of acquiring several forums. Since forums are essentially communities of people, it gave a very interesting look at how people react in a variety of situations. Here are several conclusions drawn from these experiences. A Story About Integrity, Perception, And Trust Last year, we’d [...]
How To Gain An Edge In Business
Filed Under Entrepreneurship | 2 Comments
As I worked on my business WM Media today, I started thinking about what our competitive edge is versus other businesses of our type. Our business model is quite simple: buy websites and sell advertising. What could be easier? Anybody can do this right? Can’t a competitor just come in and “steal” our customers? To [...]
As I went through my day today, I wondered what the thoughts of some of the greatest people of our times are. Since thought creates reality, what thoughts run through the minds of the richest people on the planet? Luckily, we live in the age of Google and it took me a few minutes to [...]
As the cofounder of WM Media, a company that invests in websites, I have had the opportunity to run a variety of websites from forums to blogs to affiliate sites. There are a few distinct types of traffic and each has their own advantages. We’ll examine each of these sources from two perspectives. 1) How [...]
As I finished my work and came home today, I was greeted by my girlfriend in an unhappy state – her grandfather is very ill and is unable to talk to her. In fact, he is not even expected to live until the break of dawn! Immediately, I could feel a sense of anxiety and [...]
How To Learn To Make A Good Investment
Filed Under Money | 5 Comments
What do you do when you try to pick a stock in the stock market? Not knowing too much about it, you probably look around for information about the company. What does it do? How much revenue does it make? What does it make money from? What is its p/e ratio? Hours later, you have [...]
The Value Of Our Parents
Filed Under Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
Recently, things have not been going the greatest with my mother. On my Christmas vacation home, we had a series of fights about little things. My mom wanted to just drop the issues, but I wanted to solve them for the long term. It lead to a conversation where she felt I wouldn’t just let [...]
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