What Seems Closed Isn’t Quite Closed
Filed Under Life Happenings | 2 Comments
A week or two ago, I left off my romantic affair with a permanent friendship. However, things have not gone quite as simply as I’d imagined, as romantic feelings seem to surge up at random times on both of our parts. Following sincereness forms a lasting friendship, we’d decided to not talk to each other [...]
Focus On One Thing At A Time To Completion
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Improve Efficiency, Money | 40 Comments
Growing up, I remember watching a show on the Discovery channel that talked about different species of human beings, one of which is the Neanderthal. They had the incredible to focus on doing one task at a time, producing far greater amounts than their smarter, but “lazier” cousins. It occurred to me that in terms [...]
The Meaning Of Love
Filed Under Poetry | 2 Comments
Alone I’ve walked for many years A path straight as an arrow Yet along you came With a friendly hand With you I travel the world of dreams Neverending possibilities Everlasting joy To love you is to know myself for the first time With the happiness of another as my aim What more can I [...]
A Few Minutes In Bed Triggers A Motivating Memory
Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off
As I woke up this morning and laid in bed, wide awake, I wondered why I should get up. After all, my bed is warm and cozy, while getting up would require a lot of effort. There must be a reason for me to go from a comfortable state to an uncomfortable state. I’m not [...]
Some Pros And Cons of Christianity
Filed Under Motivation & Purpose, The Bigger Perspective | 27 Comments
Keeping An Open Mind To Religion It is very important to consider different perspectives when we’re trying to develop ourselves so that we can see the same thing from multiple angles and get a larger understanding of what that object is. To that end, I have spent the past year or two learning about the [...]
Site Pages Reindexed
Filed Under Life Happenings | 1 Comment
Thanks to my good friend Lin Zhu in An Accident Discovers The Cause Of My Google Deindexing, I got rid of the hidden buy viagra and online gambling links on my website. Apparently, Google Bot heard about it pretty quickly too and has since then reindexed most of the pages of my website. This experience [...]
A Chat At Opera Spawns An Eye Experiment
Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off
I have written about my journey to figuring out how to get better eyesight naturally in How To See More Clearly, Brightness And The Circle Of Lights, etc. It has been kind of on my backburner, since I couldn’t think of anything more that I could do. That is, until yesterday. In the men’s dressing [...]
The Weakness Of Overconfidence
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Health, Money, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 34 Comments
The Weakness Of Overconfidence We’ve all experienced it before. You take a test that you think is ridiculously easy, so you put it off until the last minute, and end up getting a B. You get into a relationship and start taking your significant other for granted, resulting in a breakup. You invest in a [...]
A Negative Score On A Homework Reveals Some Interesting Things About Myself
Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off
As I woke up today, I received an email from the Stanford class I’m taking. Ah ha! Homework grades are available online for the first homework of the class. “Oh good,” I thought, “Let’s see what I got”. I loaded up the Stanford Decision Analysis course page, logged in, and it took me a full [...]
An Accident Discovers The Cause Of My Google DeIndexing
Filed Under Life Happenings | Comments Off
As I was going about my day, a very good friend of mine sent me an extremely disturbing screenshot. He’d been looking me up on google, using the keywords “intj warren wong”, and found the following disturbing image: Somehow, my blog has a hidden link to a viagra site!! You can imagine my surprise. How, [...]
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