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In How To Keep A Healthy Relationship, we talked about how to back away from areas of incompatibility when seeking out more common ground. As long as the two people still have the original areas of compatibility, then their relationship can continue as it always has. However, what if one or both people are no [...]

The All Nighter We’ve probably all had this experience at one time or another: There is something you need to get done tomorrow and you can’t finish it by tonight. So, being the responsible person that you are, you try to stay up late to get it done. Here’s a couple of very important tips [...]

I am half way through watching an episode of the Twilight Zone The Brain Center at Whipple’s. In it, a CEO gets a machine that could do the job of hundreds of thousands of men and fires them all to lower the costs of the company. The canned men. extremely angry at being laid off [...]

Yesterday, I started swimming again. In the two years I’ve lived at my current residence, with a pool right outside my door, I haven’t actually swam yet. Soon, I recalled why – the pool is quite tiny. It only took a few strokes to get from one side to the other. I briefly wondered just [...]

As I played some Wii with my coworkers (and lost badly at that tennis game), one of their kids came around the corner. He looked around with large curious eyes, poking at everything. It reminds me of myself as a kid, with everything so new and exciting. Every little thing was a wonder to look [...]

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