What Do You Actually Buy With Money?
Filed Under Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Money, The Bigger Perspective | 1 Comment
Let’s say you just went to a ticket booth and bought some tickets for that show/game/concert you want to attend. Let me ask you, what did you just buy? Sure, you did just buy a ticket. Then again, we could have just ripped off a random piece of paper and gave it to you. Hey, [...]
Appreciate And Love Yourself
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Health, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 1 Comment
Love Yourself From the previous post Why You Should Show Appreciation, it’s clear that it is very important to give ot people appreciation whenever we get a chance. The irony is, while we do sometimes do this for other people, we often forget to give it to the one person that matters to us the [...]
Why You Should Show Appreciation
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Health, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 14 Comments
Show Appreciation In Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, one of the most important qualities he mentioned in getting along with people is honest and sincere appreciation. This has proven to be quite true in reality for me, from both the giving and receiving end. I have noticed people’s eagerness to help [...]
The Poem “Words Like Freedom”
Filed Under Life Happenings | 1 Comment
In my previous post Singing While Running, I’d talked about how singing the song “Words Like Freedom” (or at least the couple phrases I remember from it) really motivates me on my jogs, especially in the last quarter to half mile. This has grown more and more true recently for me. There have been times [...]
Words Like Freedom
Filed Under Poetry | 4 Comments
There are words like freedom Sweet and wonderful to say, On my heartstrings freedom sings All day every day. There are words like liberty That almost makes me cry, If you had known what I know You would know why. – Langston Hughes Additional lyrics from the song, “Words Like Freedom”: Freedom and liberty are [...]
Overcome Procrastination By Consulting Your Feelings
Filed Under Career, Entrepreneurship, Health, Improve Efficiency, Motivation & Purpose | 1 Comment
Previously, I’ve written about overcoming procrastination by finding out what your long term goals are. However, that may be a long and involving process taking many years. There may be things that you’re unsure about, but requires doing right away. For example, if there is an assignment due tomorrow, you may feel like procrastinating, but [...]
Giving Yourself Alone Time
Filed Under Conciousness, Health, Motivation & Purpose, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
Alone Time In A Busy World In today’s busy world filled with all sorts of flashy things, it’s quite easy to get distracted. You get up in the morning and an alarm clock greets you with a series of loud beeping sounds. You check your email and 42 spam emails pop up and ask you [...]
As I returned home from work, I got another nice note from my power company. Oh good, they’ve turned my power back on! *Click* The light switch still doesn’t work. Oh, there is a fine print: My circuit breaker has been left off to protect me from electric surges. I looked up, a bit confused. [...]
A Day Without Electricity
Filed Under Life Happenings | 6 Comments
As I returned home from opera practice yesterday, I noticed a few slips of paper stuck to my door. “Oh great, more spam from the real world”, I thought. I check my real world mailbox maybe once a month since I throw out about 98% of what’s in there. Apparantly, those pizza guys selling their [...]
A Lesson In Standing Up For What You Believe In
Filed Under Career, Conciousness, Entrepreneurship, Health, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships, The Bigger Perspective | 3 Comments
“No! Pick all the vegetables!” my father told me firmly, “they are all nutritious!” “But that’s not what the teacher said!” I retorted, showing him my notes. “See? Here’s the list of vegetables that we talked about in class.” “Then she’s wrong. They’re all nutritious!” my father replied. Seeing the stern look on his face, [...]
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