How To See More Clearly (Part I)
Filed Under Health | 3 Comments
Why We Don’t See Clearly Unfortunately, I don’t actually know the answer to this question. There have been all kind of theories as to the causes of myopia – from the ciliary muscles in the eyes not working correctly to the muscles not relaxing because the eye is not elongating correctly. However, I wouldn’t trust [...]
Brightness and The Circle Of Lights
Filed Under Life Happenings | 1 Comment
I tried for a while to look at the circle of lights that I mentioned in my previous post. As I looked at it more and more, it didn’t seem like there was anything I could do in order to change the steady rythm of the expanding and shrinking. It occurs to me that I [...]
The Circle Of Lights
Filed Under Life Happenings | 4 Comments
As I walked outside today, at about 11pm, I decided to take off my glasses and look at the sky. There’s nothing quite like looking at the universe, and appreciating just how vast it is. Looking up at the stars in the sky, there is a kind of romantic feel of connectedness to it. Of [...]
My Partner’s Not Doing Enough Work!
Filed Under Career, Money, Relationships | 18 Comments
A lot of times, you find that you are starting a project, or working on a business, and start to think, “Hmmm, my partner’s not doing as much work as I am”. That is one of the most destructive thoughts you can have in any kind of group or business relationship. However, you don’t have [...]
Taking Risks
Filed Under Career, Money, Motivation & Purpose, Relationships | 14 Comments
Are you afraid to launch your own business? Are you afraid of losing what money you have? Let me ask you this: Why? Sure, maybe you’ll lose all of your money and be completely broke. Then again, you were completely “broke” when you were born too. Plus back then, you didn’t have any experience, or [...]
How to Stop Hurt Feelings From Dating
Filed Under Relationships | 334 Comments
Feeling Hurt From Dating Did you just go out on a date and wonder how it went? Are you staying up all night wondering if he/she feels the same way you do? Are you afraid of approaching the person you like? Pretty much everyone has been in this situation at one time or another. Here’s [...]
This is an idea that is prevelant in both business and poker. In general, it describes the barrier of entry. It says the person who is in second has to do more than the first person to get the same amount done. Or in other words, the first person has an extra advantage in being [...]
How To Get Over a Guy / Girl
Filed Under Relationships | 21 Comments
Have you just broken up with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Have you just gone on a date and wonder why he/she never calls you back? Do you feel sad and lonely and just sit there not knowing what to do? It’s happened to the best of us. If there was only a way to fix [...]
How To Find A Good Investment
Filed Under Money | 38 Comments
If you’ve read my get money series, you’ll hopefully have some money at this point to invest. I’ve mentioned a couple of investment alternatives in the article grow your pile of money. Clearly, the best alternative is to invest in either your own business, or someone else’s business that you understand. So the question becomes, [...]
Just Do It
Filed Under Career, Improve Efficiency, Motivation & Purpose | 4 Comments
One day back in high school on the bus ride home, I remember listening to a friend talk about how easy it would be to make money if we just built our own computers and sold them. Since we’ve both built computers of our own, it seemed like a good idea to me. As I [...]
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