Grow Your Pile Of Money
Filed Under Money | 17 Comments
Your Shrinking Pile of Money This is the second article in the get money series. Now that you understand how money works in our current economic system, we’ll take a look at how we can use this to our advantage. From the get money article, you should realize that just by having money, it’s already [...]
Do You Get Money?
Filed Under Money | 32 Comments
What Is Money? The most common answer would probably be something along the lines of “something you buy stuff with”. While that answer is not wrong, it’s only a very very limited view of what money actually is. For example, did you know that if you leave your money in the bank gathering interest, you [...]
Why Not To Drive
Filed Under Improve Efficiency, Money | 8 Comments
These days, practically everyone has a car. In fact, people buy a car when they’re 16 and don’t have the money for it, which is extremely reckless since you should save money while you’re young. In general, people seem to expect you to have a car (especially in California) as soon as you can afford [...]
How to Interview For a Job
Filed Under Career, Money | 51 Comments
The short answer is, you don’t! At least not in the conventional sense of the word. Let’s start from the beginning. At some point, there is this environment we seem to exist in. Then, there’s a lot of people, each deciding to do their own thing. Then, while you’re doing your thing, you realize that [...]
Asking For a Raise
Filed Under Career, Money | 5 Comments
Many people are afraid of asking for a raise for some reason, which is extremely strange to me. It seems that people are in general afraid of being fired, or somehow making things bad in the workplace. However, that is extremely unlikely. Let’s take a look from the employer’s perspective. When you do a job, [...]
The Meaning of Life
Filed Under Blogroll, Motivation & Purpose | 18 Comments
This is an age old question that everyone has thought about at some point. Logically, I come to the conclusion that the meaning of life is to exist. I will use set theory for this argument. We will start by picking anything (call it y) that exists and adding it to a set X. Then, [...]
As INTJs, we love to build things and increase efficiency. However, why do we want to do these things? This is of course, related to what our perception of the meaning of life. Let’s take a look at our history to see how things got to this point. At one point, we can assume that [...]
Killing the Procrastination Syndrome
Filed Under Blogroll, Improve Efficiency, Motivation & Purpose | 92 Comments
“I’ll do it later” – it’s one of the most common phrases that is uttered, and we’ve all been guilty of that at some point or another. Other variants include “I’ll do it when…” or “I can’t do it because…”. That’s all fine and good, except when the reason is really weak, like “I don’t [...]
How to Convert your Time to Money
Filed Under Blogroll, Career, Money | 21 Comments
Many people like to think that in order to make money, you need to have some sort of job, where you work for a boss and then get paid. While this is true to some extent, this is very small and limited view of how money works. First, it is beneficial to understand how exactly [...]
Always Run
Filed Under Blogroll, Improve Efficiency, Money | 3 Comments
When trying to increase our efficiency, we essentially care about producing the maximum amount of work in a given unit of time. This section will share tips for maximizing your efficiency. In order to have more time to do the things that we want to do, we should start by looking at where we spend [...]
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